Here are your binge learning classes.

Check out a few select classes from our complete library!

Quick Tips

Have a look!

Computer Secrets

with Bill Needles

Cyber Safety

with Bill Needles

Small Business

with Scott Williams

Modern Electronics

with Bill Needles

IT Fundamentals

with Bill Needles

Windows 10

with Bill Needles

Taking Stock..

with Tom Cook

Guitar-Play the Blues

with Eric Lambert

Network +

with Bill Needles

MTE Prep

with Joe Hynek

MTM Intro

with Nick Nash

Click the class picture for viewing a class.

Check out our Live and Online offerings for the fall: Click here.

Registration begins July 16th.

My USW Local is 1010

I want to register for a class now.

Work on the East side? You are likely a member of USW Local 1010. Your career development center is the JobLink Learning Center. Click below to use JobLink's online registration tool or call 219-399-8136.

My USW Local is 1011

I want to register for a class now.

Work on the West side? You are likely a member of USW Local 1011. Your career development center is the Leon Lynch Learning Center. Click below to use Leon Lynch's online registration tool or call 219-398-9363.

Recent Posts from Bill


Download and Install AVG

If you are using the Internet then you MUST have an antivirus program installed and operational on your computer. We recommend the free version of AVG for personal use. Click on the icon for a YouTube video on how to install this valuable tool on your computer. Need more help, sign up for a computer class.


24 x 7 Learning

Worked a double? Snow, sleet, rain? Vacation? No excuses. We've got you covered with our on-demand videos. 24 x 7 learning whenever and wherever you need it. Any platform and any time of day.